
If you haven’t found something worth dying for, then you haven’t found something worth living for. - Unknown

If you haven’t found something worth dying for, then you haven’t found something worth living for. - Unknown

What’s your passion? What motivates you to get up in the morning and start the day with an eager and hungry desire? Far too many of us merely traverse through life without really taking advantage of all it has to offer. How many times have you heard someone say carpe diem. Seize the day! Everyday presents a new opportunity to be a better person, to be successful and most of all to be happy.

You may have seen the above quote in dozens of different ways, but what does it really mean? To simplify it, we’d like to pose this question: are you living life to the fullest? While it may seem like we’re quizzing you, this is not a test. If you were unable to think of an answer for the questions above, perhaps you haven’t found your true passion. Of course everyone has things that they enjoy, but what would you be willing to do anything for? Perhaps it’s your family or your career. The bottom line is that a life worth living will be filled with passion.

So how do we become more passionate about our lives? How do we find something worth dying for, that will make life worth living? Determination and desire are two defining factors when it comes to living life to the fullest. Waking up each day and telling yourself that regardless of what life throws at you, you will take it in stride and overcome it. When we live life to the fullest, we embrace each moment and know that each day is truly a gift.

If you take a moment to think of your heroes, the people that you respect the most, you will realize that these people are important to you because of their values and characteristics. Last month, the world lost a great leader and advocate in the passing of Nelson Mandela. A man who truly embodies the quote above. Although trials and tribulations were thrown his way, he embraced his passions and lived life fully. We are not meant to be idle, merely going through the motions of each day. Find something that ignites a spark inside of you. Do what you’ve always wanted to do. As the first month of a brand new year winds to a close, make a promise to yourself to find something worth dying for - so you can start living.

Start this week off by reminding yourself that life is not meant to be half-lived. We should not be spectators in the world, but rather active participants. If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Accept and relish each moment! Carpe Diem!

By : Sabrina Cugliari

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