Happy Valentine's Day!

From our team to yours!

We are most alive when we’re in love. - John Updike

What comes to mind when you think of February? For most people, the answer will be Valentine’s Day. The stores are jam packed with red and pink everything - candy hearts, cute stuffed animals and cards for your loved ones that say exactly the right thing. This special holiday is an occasion to celebrate love and to show the people around you that you truly care. While I do enjoy this festive occasion, one particular thought often comes to mind. Shouldn’t we show appreciation for our loved ones all year round?

While chocolate boutiques and gifts shops probably love Valentine’s Day thanks to a boost in sales, think of how much more meaningful a random gift of love would be on any given day of the year. Society has planted Valentine’s Day into our psyche. This is the day when grand gestures and expensive gifts are not only customary, but expected. Every gesture and gift may be appreciated, and yes, it is a special day, but what about the other 364 days of the year? Does showing appreciating on February 14th mean that a type of quota has been met? One night of winning, dining and celebrating each other should never negate the rest of the year.

A theory originally introduced by Plato goes like this, “According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with 4 arms, 4 legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves.” Thus, we have the concept of soulmates. I mention this because it coincides with the quote above. We truly are most alive when we’re in love. When there is someone in our lives that we can depend on, admire and grow with, everything becomes a little rosier. Cliches like “drunk in love” and “head over heels” may be overused, but they have quite a bit of truth. When we find someone that fits us perfectly, it’s something special, and it should be acknowledged.

It is clear that life can get hectic. Sometimes it may feel as if there aren’t enough hours in a day to get everything done. When Valentine’s Day rolls around, schedules are cleared and arrangements are made. It is the one day a year when we are obligated to demonstrate our love.

Start this week off by reminding yourself that anything becomes more special when it is given freely. February 14th is a special day, but why not continue to make February 15 and 16 and every other day in the year special as well? Remember that you don’t need a holiday to remind your loved ones that they are special.

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